Plyometrics! Should you be doing them?

Plyometric also known as jump training are exercises based around having muscles exert maximum forces in as short  a time as possible with the goal of increasing both speed and power. This training focuses on learning to move from a muscle extension to contraction in a rapid and explosive way. Plyometric ideally should be used by athletes especially high jumpers to improve performance.

However with the advent of workout such as Insanity by Shaun T and P90X plyometric is now becoming almost a mainstream exercise. But the question is Should you be doing them?!
No doubt Plyometric is a great fat burner and there is something quite exciting about being mid-air especially if it is caught on camera! However plyometric  is not for everyone and should not be done without proper training.  Why? when you plyo you land on 5-7times your body weight! so let's say you weigh 165lbs you are landing on at least 825lbs! Now imagine you land wrongly? You may not get injured on the first jump but over time the risk of injury is dramatically increased. It is a fracture waiting to happen!

My recommendations for anyone thinking of doing plyometric training are:
  • you should be able to squat (not half squat)  60% of your body weight 5times in 5 seconds
  • for beginners you should be able to stand on one leg without falling over for at least 30secs
  • for advance; you should be able to go down into a quarter to half squat on one leg and hold for 30sec (this tests your balance, a key component of Plyometrics)
People of over 220lbs are at increased risk for injury because like I mentioned earlier with Plyometrics you land on 5-7times your body weight; so for a weight of over 220lb.......I will let you do the maths!
Plyometrics! Should you be doing them?


  1. Should I be doing Plyometric training if I weigh 223lbs? Will I not injure myself? Is it perhaps better to drop weight with other forms of exercise to drop more body fat and then get into this later?

    1. Hi Dokpe. Thanks for visiting my web and reading my thoughts. Yes you can do plyometric if you meet the recommendations and are trained by a good coach. The key thing to be mindful of about plyometric is that it is an extreme exercise and should be approached with caution. Irrespective of body weight if one doesn't meet the recommendation and not trained on good form injury is inevitable.

  2. Wow! This is very useful info Jules! Thanks. Hmmmm I'm enjoying this Blog

    1. Hi J! thanks for visiting my website and reading my thoughts. I'm glad you found it informative. You can subscribe to get my blog by email; that way you near miss any of my blog post....Regards

