The Happy "Marriage" Of Cardio And Strength Training

It's an undisputed fact that we burn more calories when we engage in any cardiovascular training in comparison to strength training of the same duration.

Many people are of the opinion that since cardiovascular training burns more calories, it therefore means it is the fastest way to lose weight, after all weight loss is about creating a calorie deficit. However, many people are short-sighted by concentrating on how many calories they burn while at the gym instead of focusing on how our bodies expend calories throughout the day.

With traditional cardiovascular exercise i.e. running, cycling etc. you expend calories while you are moving but once you stop you quickly shift to your normal metabolic rate, your body quickly adjusts to the stress placed on it, which means you have to move faster or keep moving non-stop! Who does that??! Strength training build muscles and with more muscles more calories are burn even when you are sitting on your couch! Now I like the sitting part!

Many strength training athletes dislike cardio and many cardio addicts dislike strength training. Never should the two ever meet! Today I am forcing the marriage between both because they compliment each other beautifully....Strength training is the  "missing rib of cardio"! According to the research from Osaka University printed in the Journal of Applied Physiology, cardio after strength training exercises prevents the arteries from becoming stiff; which could perhaps help reduce subsequent muscle stiffness.

In addition to doing the above (cardio after strength training), also including a short burst of cardio before a strength training session and intermittently during will help lubricate the joints, prevent boredom and enhance the effectiveness of strength training session.

How do you train? Do you do cardio before, or after, your strength training and why? Do you hate strength training? or you have a good mix of both cardio and strength training........ I would love to hear from you.

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