Overhead Exercise: Over Head Squats

The other day during bootcamp I discovered that all my clients struggled with doing most over head exercises; more so when asked  to do it simultanoeuly with a lower body exercsie, such as an over head squat.  

Over head exercises like the name suggest are exercises where you have to lift your hand and lock it out over the head. It is usually performed with weights.

So why is it challenging for some people

  • It is a muti-muscle/joint exercise: Any routine that causes you to use several joint and muscles at the same time will be challenging simply because of the number of muscles and joints that needs to be mobilised
  • Poor shoulder mobility: Most people do not complete the full range of movement when doing most upper body exercise, for example a jumping jack. Most people hardly allow their hands to touch over their head when doing it, they are therefore limiting the range of movement in their shoulder
  • Poor flexibilty: Flexibilty is one third of fitness, however, few actually practise flexibility exercises such as yoga, pilates, massage and deep stretching regularly.
  • Poor core strength: The core is the power house, it stablises and keeps  maintain a good posture. If it is weak, most exercise will be inmmensely challenging.
So against this background I will be writing a series on a few beginner overhead exercise, that can be incoprated into any exercise routine.  So; first up is the over head squats.

You may want to practise these without any weights just to get comfortable with doing them. 

As shown, you can either keep your eyes on the weight and lead with the opposite hand or hold your hand out for stability. 

Keep the core engaged and sit back into a squat as far down as you can manage with the feet remaining flat on the floor  while the hand is locked over head. Come back to standing position with the hand remaining over head. Repeat 12-15 times. 

However, for beginners, it may be challenging initially to keep the hand straight while squating as shown in the picture below, but over time as flexibilty increase with practice aim to straighten it out.

Muscles used  

Tibialis anterior


Develops flexibility
Stability in the shoulders
Stengthening the shoulder thus preventing injury

If you have tried over head exercise or intend to, then leave me a comment.  I will be posting another over head exercise next week so watch this space.

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I Don't Eat Salad....Ooops

Today I had a friend over for lunch and we had a really yummy meal. During the course of our conversation it dawned on me that I haven't had a salad in almost 6 months! And you preach the gospel of eat more veggies I can almost hear you say........LOL.

Well, when I first started trying to lose weight, I ate so much lettuce and carrots that it almost started growing out of my head but guess what?......I didn't lose much weight. So I guess that is where my dislike of salad came from. Plus it's winter! Who eats salad in the winter! 

That said, who ever said "eat more veggies means eat more salad"? I eat more than my fair share of veggies everyday not just as a salad. So I thought a couple of recipe on how I eat veggies without "ever" eating salad.

A good place to start would be what I ate today with my friend for lunch........

Kale, Prawn & Plantain Porridge

Serves 5 people

5 plantains
200g of prawns
10 cups of chopped kale
1 cup of onions
2 tsp of palm oil
2 tsp of tomatoe puree
2 cups of water
1 tsp of chilli powder
Season to taste.


Peel the plantains, cut into cubes
Add water to cut plantains 
Add a pinch of salt
Allow to cook for 15mins.

In a separate pan

Sautee onions, kale and prawns in palm oil for 5 mins
Then add to cooked plantain and stir.
Add chilli powder & tomatoe puree
Allow to cook for 2 mins

Serve & enjoy


Got my veggies from the Kale.


Quinoa is one of my all time favourite grain. I wouldn't bore you with the details of it's nutritional benefits becuase I am sure yu can do a google search and find that out for yourself but know that it higher in protein compared to other grains.

Serves 6-8 people

2 cups raw quinoa
1 cup of grated carrots
1 cup of grated zucchini
2 tsp of coconut oil
1 tsp of curry powder
1/2 cup of onions
Seasoning of choice
2 cups of water


Cook quoina in water for 20 mins with a pinch of salt

In a separate pan

Sautee onions in coconut oil
Add carrots & zucchini and stir fry for 5 mins
Add already cooked quinoa
Add seasoning to taste
Add curry powder
Stir fry all for a further 5 mins


Got my veggies from zuchinni and carrots!

Are you a "no salad" person too? How do you get your veggies in.....Would love to hear from you.

God If You Can't Make Me Skinny Please Make My Friends Fat! (Part 3)

The trilogy of my weight loss journey will not be complete if I don't mention some people who simply just made it fun and a big laugh. You see, I am a creature of laughter, I don't do very well if I can't find the humour in a situation. This next lady amongst others injected a good dose of that.

At this point, I had lost almost 80lbs but I was still what is classified as "skinny fat". I was slim but my body fat percentage was high. Strength training and an even healthier diet was the solution. 

But the more I strength trained, the hungrier I was. Back then, I didn't know what I now know about  the many advantages of strength training. Do you know that when you strength train you can almost get away with eating more? This is because the more muscle mass you have the more calories you burn even at rest and the more calories you burn the easier it is to maintain your weight. But it has got to be healthy food though not junk.............I digress.

This amazing lady joined the secret group in the nick of time. She straight away could see my dilemma, she knew I was hungry because she was hungry too.....LOL. So any new discovery she found she share with me. She taught me the principle of eating smart not less. Why use cow's milk at 155 calories for 250ml when you could have almond milk at 30 calories for same amount and it is better for you she would say. Why make a sunny side up with 5 eggs at 350 calories when you could use 1 cup of egg white and just one whole egg at 190 calories! plus you will have more food to eat! (I told you she was hungry.............LOL)

Apart from food, we also had other things in common, we both love to lift heavy weights. We knew long before the phrase was coined that strong is the new sexy, we just didn't know the phrase then LOL. We both desired the toned, fit look. Therefore, every time I saw a Facebook post from her looking toned and strong I knew I had to sit up and be serious. She injected the element of a healthy competition that I needed at that stage of my weight loss journey.

Now look at her; Michelle Obama's arms has got nothing on my fit friend!

You totally ROCK babe!........Thank you for getting me and my quacky sense of humour. Amen to egg white and almond milk.........LOL.

My message to you reading this blog post is, be open about your struggles because someone just might have the solution you need. Also, relax, laugh a little......weight loss, it really is not that deep.

Happy New Year!

By the way, my journey was influenced positively by more than these 3 people I have share in this trilogy. I hope to talk about some other people in the future when the time is right. 

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