I Don't Eat Salad....Ooops

Today I had a friend over for lunch and we had a really yummy meal. During the course of our conversation it dawned on me that I haven't had a salad in almost 6 months! And you preach the gospel of eat more veggies I can almost hear you say........LOL.

Well, when I first started trying to lose weight, I ate so much lettuce and carrots that it almost started growing out of my head but guess what?......I didn't lose much weight. So I guess that is where my dislike of salad came from. Plus it's winter! Who eats salad in the winter! 

That said, who ever said "eat more veggies means eat more salad"? I eat more than my fair share of veggies everyday not just as a salad. So I thought a couple of recipe on how I eat veggies without "ever" eating salad.

A good place to start would be what I ate today with my friend for lunch........

Kale, Prawn & Plantain Porridge

Serves 5 people

5 plantains
200g of prawns
10 cups of chopped kale
1 cup of onions
2 tsp of palm oil
2 tsp of tomatoe puree
2 cups of water
1 tsp of chilli powder
Season to taste.


Peel the plantains, cut into cubes
Add water to cut plantains 
Add a pinch of salt
Allow to cook for 15mins.

In a separate pan

Sautee onions, kale and prawns in palm oil for 5 mins
Then add to cooked plantain and stir.
Add chilli powder & tomatoe puree
Allow to cook for 2 mins

Serve & enjoy


Got my veggies from the Kale.


Quinoa is one of my all time favourite grain. I wouldn't bore you with the details of it's nutritional benefits becuase I am sure yu can do a google search and find that out for yourself but know that it higher in protein compared to other grains.

Serves 6-8 people

2 cups raw quinoa
1 cup of grated carrots
1 cup of grated zucchini
2 tsp of coconut oil
1 tsp of curry powder
1/2 cup of onions
Seasoning of choice
2 cups of water


Cook quoina in water for 20 mins with a pinch of salt

In a separate pan

Sautee onions in coconut oil
Add carrots & zucchini and stir fry for 5 mins
Add already cooked quinoa
Add seasoning to taste
Add curry powder
Stir fry all for a further 5 mins


Got my veggies from zuchinni and carrots!

Are you a "no salad" person too? How do you get your veggies in.....Would love to hear from you.

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