Overhead Exercise: Over Head Squats

The other day during bootcamp I discovered that all my clients struggled with doing most over head exercises; more so when asked  to do it simultanoeuly with a lower body exercsie, such as an over head squat.  

Over head exercises like the name suggest are exercises where you have to lift your hand and lock it out over the head. It is usually performed with weights.

So why is it challenging for some people

  • It is a muti-muscle/joint exercise: Any routine that causes you to use several joint and muscles at the same time will be challenging simply because of the number of muscles and joints that needs to be mobilised
  • Poor shoulder mobility: Most people do not complete the full range of movement when doing most upper body exercise, for example a jumping jack. Most people hardly allow their hands to touch over their head when doing it, they are therefore limiting the range of movement in their shoulder
  • Poor flexibilty: Flexibilty is one third of fitness, however, few actually practise flexibility exercises such as yoga, pilates, massage and deep stretching regularly.
  • Poor core strength: The core is the power house, it stablises and keeps  maintain a good posture. If it is weak, most exercise will be inmmensely challenging.
So against this background I will be writing a series on a few beginner overhead exercise, that can be incoprated into any exercise routine.  So; first up is the over head squats.

You may want to practise these without any weights just to get comfortable with doing them. 

As shown, you can either keep your eyes on the weight and lead with the opposite hand or hold your hand out for stability. 

Keep the core engaged and sit back into a squat as far down as you can manage with the feet remaining flat on the floor  while the hand is locked over head. Come back to standing position with the hand remaining over head. Repeat 12-15 times. 

However, for beginners, it may be challenging initially to keep the hand straight while squating as shown in the picture below, but over time as flexibilty increase with practice aim to straighten it out.

Muscles used  

Tibialis anterior


Develops flexibility
Stability in the shoulders
Stengthening the shoulder thus preventing injury

If you have tried over head exercise or intend to, then leave me a comment.  I will be posting another over head exercise next week so watch this space.

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